Saturday, January 09, 2010

4 wheelin' wuagey, takes it off road.


Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Off into the white and blue yonder!
Brrrr! I've been freezing all day and we don't even have snow here!

tfangel said...

So cute, but i'd be panicking that birds of prey would go for them. Although any time i have taken them outside with leashes they just hunker down and don't move. Probably because most of mine were abandoned outside, and feel safer inside with me, where i can spoil them. ;)

Crafty Green Poet said...

I'd be worrying along the lines of tfangels comment, or that the bunnies would get lost

Lisa said...

We want to play outside!!!

Anonymous said...

How in the world do you get them back? Mine would SO be gone! :(

d. moll, said...

This whole outdoors thing is such an interesting touch stone for the individual rabbit personality. My vet said that, in general the larger rabbits are more thoughtful, not that they will bring you tea in the morning, but that they think before they leap. Small rabbits can be quite smart and clever. Medium rabbits seem to be more impulsive. These are generalities and do not take into account upbringing, current environment and astrological influences. Anyway here we have larger rabbit in outdoors doing just fine! thinking, enjoying, listening to the woods (not Alice, well,no bun is perfect). A very nice sight indeed :~)