Thursday, January 21, 2010


sure, we could have recorded a drum roll, but that's SOOO HOE obvious. or let you know this is what you've all been waiting for, but that's a little presumptuous. instead, we'll be keeping it modest and calm as we announce the grand opening of POTENTIALLY CRAZY, the official online store for potentially nervous. soon to come will be lots of yummy bunny things, but for now we're gently dipping our toes in the cyber waters by debuting two bunny slideshow screen saver downloadable programs. these cherry picked images from the potentially nervous archives scroll through your sleeping, idling, and most likely super bored computer and they're as close to free as they can be.

for one penny less than $10 there's the BIG ONE for all you bunny die has 125 + photos of your PN buns.

then there's the one penny less than $5 for the not so obsessed, is there such a thing? you know what....just click on over there and see for yourself.

now i know there's a good chance al gore may come and kick my bunny lovin' ass for suggesting this, but you really should take it off energy saver from time to time and watch the whole bunnybadoodle of images scroll by, it's an energy splurge, but if it saves you a trip to a strip mall, it's worth it! we've set the images to random so you can play 'guess.a.bun''s so much fun!

if you have snow leopard on a brand new mac you're going to have to be a little patient while the software catches up...we've heard it'll be any day now.



Anonymous said...

How awesome! I love the saying under the name! How great is that!

Lisa said...

when is the snow leopard version coming out? When? When? When? I must have it.

d. moll, said...

When is MAC going to start naming it's operating systems after rabbits? Rabbits3 think your new site and products are hip hop hot!!!!!! Love 'em, love 'em! Might have to pop for one so we can see our bun friends on a rotational basis......

Crafty Green Poet said...

oh what a wonderful product, such lovely photos. I like the site too, its very stylish...

Anonymous said...
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Violet Lilac M. said...

Yay!!!! Violet and I are both excited about this! ;) I can't wait to see what else you put on there.....


Malcolm Russell said...

What superb photos! You never cease to amaze me. If National Geo decides to do a spread on lagomorphs all they need is your screensavers and they're set! Well done getting the store up and running; I look forward to seeing what comes along next.

Anonymous said...
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Jade and Mickey said...

Of course we had to spring for the big version--the photos are amazing as always.

Alice said...

for those of you who are interested in reading some reviews go to the comment section of the image called "puff" it's up there a couple....that's where you can see what the fans of PN have to say about it! and please feel free to add your review there as well! thanks a bunch.