Thursday, February 04, 2010



Alice said...

d moll, go ahead, make my day. no pressure.

d. moll, said...

Ahem, well, this brings up a really interesting topic and one of many that I enjoy ruminating upon. The latest theory about Bun Gogh's ear is not that he cut it off himself, no, not at all. Gaubun (that would be Paul Gaubun) in fact did it for him with his rapier, which he often carried for protection at night. Bun Gogh did throw a wine glass at Gaubun, but still, does that really call for the bloody removal of an auric appendage? At any rate they agreed to lie about what happened for fear Gaubun would be jailed. We all know Gaubun high tailed it to the South seas and poor Bun Gogh, now visibly marked as mad took up residence in the local booby hatch and a year and half later transitioned himself to the Rainbow Bridge.

Crafty Green Poet said...

I blame the aliens that Sydney was talking about to Amelia on d.moll's blog....

Kristen said...

Awesome. :D

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Can't make a comment. Alice and d.moll as usual make me laugh to hard! Crazy women I tell ya! Crazy!

Anonymous said...

Brim over I assent to but I contemplate the brief should have more info then it has.

Christina said...

You do paint a picture there! No bun intended.

Unknown said...

Hi Alice!! Oh thank you so much for stopping by and leaving me such a kind comment!! I cannot even begin to tell you how much I LOVE your blog, bunnies, photos --- EVERYTHING!! I am so over the moon that you are opening a shop! You are an amazing photographer and these will make such great products. I LOVE the one of your gorgeous white baby in the car with grass and flowers!! It just warmed my heart :)

Anonymous said...

00000000000...translation for our foster bun Angel (who apparently loves to walk on my keyboard) "I simply LOVE Bun Gogh!"