Wednesday, April 28, 2010

a bunch of untitleds and a coupla more bunnies.


d. moll, said...

It's all pretty mysterioso and oh so mysterious.....

Deb Cushman said...

Checking things out -- you're doing it right!

Malcolm Russell said...

I'm thrilled to see the new post. Was getting concerned by how quiet things were!

Love the photos, as always. I'm a little uncertain about something, though: the two stranger-bunnies ("You're not from around here, are you?") - are they YOUR bunnies? Or visitors? Please fill me in!

Lovely to see you back.

Jade said...

Hi Bells! So good to see you again.

Missed you lots as well, Miss Alice--so who are the mysterious new bunnies? Have you expanded your household or are they bunnies on loan? Inquiring minds want to know. :)