Friday, May 21, 2010

even better still....


Annette Tait said...

Bravo! Bravo!

encore! encore!

Arabella and I enjoyed it tremendously - perfect!!!

thank you :)

Crafty Green Poet said...

oh that was lovely, very entertaining and sweet

d. moll, said...

truly awesome.....

d. moll, said...

Do they give dance lessons?

Anonymous said...

Love it!! ((clap-clap-clap))

Rua said...

The rabbit my family had when I was in elementary, Bunny, started to demand piano music to eat by after I happened to be practicing once when he was having his dinner. He also would go into a trance during the pan flute commercials that were always on back then! The rabbit my husband and I have now, Sumi, has been quite taken with the music used on "30 Rock" and is fascinated by reruns of "Law and Order." I think he really just likes the BUH-BUM between each scene. ;)

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Like looking at a scene from a play!

spinning in air said...


My bun seems to prefer Borodin's string quartets and Japanese flute music. Am not sure if she likes or dislikes piano...