Oh this is hard. Truth is we're doing just fine now, but every time I go to blogger to make the post I dread making, it all comes rushing back. Bells died almost a month ago. It was very peaceful. He died in my arms, in our bed. He had a twisted liver lobe which usually kills bunnies instantly, or so I'm told. So the fact that he lived with it as long as he did, weeks, maybe even months, is truly a miracle. We got an amazing opportunity to say good bye to him and spoil him so much extra extra. He gave us plenty of warning that he was on his way, and we will be forever grateful to him for that. As so many of you know, the heartbreak is unbelievable, but this is my first time dealing with a broken hearted bunny survivor, Nuage. To see him grieving was more than I could stand. So after lots of research we decided to take him to the humane society to see if there might be a bunny in need that he got along with. Mission accomplished. We will introduce her soon! I never wanted this blog to bring anything but joy, so forgive me for taking so long to make this post. I also wanted to make sure that by the time I made this post I'd have some good news, and that good news is Nuage and Tolly. They are ridiculous together, she's a little turbo charged hotot that has him running around the boat like a spring chicken. Nuage and Bells were together for almost 10 years and no bunny will ever replace him, but it sure is nice watching him show off his boat to a new friend, even though she very clearly runs the entire show. Thank you all for sending so much good energy our way and for following all our adventures. Bells will definitely go down in history as a bunny that was loved around the world, and I know that he knew that. Thank you for loving him. He loved you too!
I will miss Bells, but I'm glad you had time to make him comfortable and say goodbye. Our lapine friends are so fragile, and loss is the price of the joy they bring us. It takes great courage to open up again and again to these little heartbreakers.
Binky free in green meadows, Bells.
I'm all teary about Bells, but also happy-teary that Nuage has a new friend already. Sending you all love and binkies.
The post we all dread :( Massive hugs to you all, and we look forward to hearing about the new friend
Oh dear. I loved Bells, and I am so happy to have the poster of him sticking out of the mailbox. So happy that Nuage has a new friend, and I can't wait to see her! (Little does she know how much she has hit the jackpot for her new family!)
oh so sorry to hear about bells. Happy that Nuage has a new friend!
Oh that is sad.Bells was a beauty,and he had the most wonderful life with you,hubby and Nuage,I'm glad you decided to get a new friend for Nuage,and we can't wait to meet her.
until we see you again Bells have a blast over the bridge!
love to you all,xx Rachel and Speedy
With great joy often comes great sorrow - I'm sorry about Bells, but he had a wonderful life with you and Nuage. I'm glad that Nuage has found a lively and fun friend.
take care,
I'm so sorry Patricia...but so glad you were able to spend his remaining time loving and snuggling him rather than big invasive scary things that wouldn't have worked. It's a brave brave heart-searing set of decisions you made and you did it for him and that makes you a hero. Much love.
Again you have dome the right thing in all possible ways. Lots of love to everyone and everybun. Can't wait to see Nuagey's new companion. O.M.G.
So very sorry to hear about Bells--and so very sad and happy for Nuage that he has lost one companion and found another. Mr. Mick and I send everyone and everybun of you hugs, much love, nose bonks and bunneh kisses--and we'll be sending many special thoughts out to dear Bells as well.
(Edited to correct typo) Oh Bells, I can't believe you are gone and Nuage is now with another! Thank God for that though, Bells, because he and your wonderful mom need some help dealing with your unbelievable departure. Thanks for giving your family the time you gave them so they did not have a sudden, fleeting goodbye. Thank you. And dear Nuage and P., thank you for being so brave in letting Bells' public know about how he has left the boat. Nuage and Tolly, run fast and binky hard! And 'Alice', I'm hoping that an old Native American proverb may help you treasure your years - "the soul would have no rainbow if the eye had no tears."
Ohhh, will miss Bells as I still do Fats! My heart goes out to you for your and Nuage's loss of beloved Bells, who had a beautiful life with all of you. Having loved and lost 5, know how wrenching it is to say goodbye. Agree with everything Ann said! Wishing you, Nuage and Tolly many happy and healthy years together.
My condolences! First time visiting your blog and it seems he had a very good fun life. All the best and blog hug Nina Joy
You've been on my mind. I was away traveling for work. I'm glad you came to a happy decision. Looking forward to meeting Waaugie's new buddy.
Rest in peace sweet bunny, never enough time with them, but that was a bunny that won the bunny lottery and was loved greatly.
Can't wait to see the new friend, and glad they get along!
Oh noes! I'm so sorry for your lost. Bells was a beautiful bun. I'm glad he was able to share his life with you and Nuage for as long as he did. I will miss him too.
i'm only just seeing this... so very sorry for your loss, and for the great Bells' departure. I think he was one of the world's best buns.
At the same time, I'm so happy that Tolly is with you guys and putting Nuage through his paces. I know that nobody can ever replace Fats and Bells, but here's hoping that Tolly brings much unlooked-for joy into your lives.
hugs + nosebumps from Her N-ness...
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